Articles on: Actions

Actions Menu


The action menu appears when a hotkey is pressed. It will provide easy access to actions for frequently used operations based on the type of latest clip. The action applies to the active selection (if applicable), or the latest clip if nothing has been selected.

Action options

Hold SHIFT when selecting an action to avoid any prompts to change the default or last used settings.

Any clip type

Open in {}
List compatible apps.
Auto-delete clip:
After [x] seconds - Useful for sensitive content or passwords
Text field (numeric): The clip will be deleted after the time runs out.
After pasting - Delete the clip once it has been used (pasted).

Plain text, RTF, or HTML clips


Base64 encode - Apply Base64 encoding.
Base64 decode - Apply Base64 decoding.
MD5 hash (lowercase) - Calculate the MD5 hash.
MD5 hash (UPPERCASE) - Calculate the MD5 hash and convert to uppercase.
URL encode - Apply URL encoding.
URL decode - Apply URL decoding.
HTML encode - Apply HTML encoding to all non-alphanumeric characters.
HTML decode - Apply HTML decoding.
Markdown to HTML - Convert Markdown text to HTML.
Random - Generate a random 8-character string using your clip as a seed.
Checkbox: Include uppercase letters.
Checkbox: Include numbers.
Checkbox & Text field: Include these special characters [!@#$%^&]

Apply capitalization:

UPPERCASE - Converts all characters to uppercase.
lowercase - Converts all characters to lowercase.
First Letter - Capitalize the first letter of every word.
AP - Capitalize first, last, and all 4+ character words.
APA - Capitalize important words and all 4+ character words.
Chicago - Capitalize first, last, and important words.

Order (for lists separated by line feeds, or HTML ordered/unLists):*

Reverse - Reverse the order of characters in a string or items in a list.
Sort alphabetically - Sort a list of items alphabetically.
Shuffle randomly - Sort of a list of items in random order.


Append - Add the selected text to the end of the last clipboard entry.
Prepend - Add the selected text to the start of the last clipboard entry.
Hyphenate - Replace spaces between words with hyphens.
Remove all blank spaces
Remove duplicate blank spaces
Replace hyphens - Replace all hyphens with spaces.
Replace underscores - Replaces all underscores with spaces.
Trim whitespace - Remove all redundant spaces and newlines.
Underscore - Replaces all spaces with underscores.
Quotes (single to double) - Replace all instances of ' with ".
Quotes (double to single) - Replace all instances of " with '.
Split - Split into an List based one or more delimiters.
Array[1,x] input: Delimiters - Enter the character(s) to use as delimiters.
Note: by clicking + the user can add another input field

Search: (opens in a tab in the default browser):

Amazon - Online shopping
Baidu - Chinese language search
Bing - General search - Hotel comparison
CamelCamelCamel - Price comparison
Craigslist - Classified ads
DuckDuckGo - Privacy-focused search - The name says it all
eBay - Online shopping
Etsy - Handmade & vintage items
Facebook - Social network
Github - Code-sharing platform
Goodreads - Book reviews
Google - General search
Google Images - Image search
Google Maps - Location search
Google Scholar - Scholarly literature search
Hulu - Streaming service
IMDB - Movie reviews
Imgur - Image search
Instagram - Social network
LinkedIn - Business social network
Netflix - Streaming service
Pinterest - Online pinboard
PubMed - Medical resources search
Quora - Questions & answers site
Reddit - User-generated news
Rotten Tomatoes - Movie reviews
Stack Overflow - Questions & answers site
Twitch - Streaming platform
Twitter - Social network
Vimeo - Videos
VK - Russian social network
Wikipedia - Encyclopedia
Yahoo - General search
Yandex - Russian language search
Yelp - Business directory
YouTube - Videos

Share to: (opens in a tab in the default browser):

Evernote - Create a new note in Evernote in your default notebook.
Facebook - Create a post on your Facebook timeline.
OneNote - Create a new note in the OneNote default section.
Pastebin - Create a new paste at Pastebin.
TickTick - Create a new task in your inbox.
Todoist - Create a new task in your inbox.
Twitter - Create a new tweet with the selected text.

Check spelling & grammar:

Grammarly - Check spelling and grammar with Grammarly

Check plagiarism:

Dupli Checker - Check if the text has been plagiarized with
Quetext - Check if the text has been plagiarized with

Translate in browser:

Bing - Translate text using Bing Translate.
Auto-detect source language and translate with
DeepL - Translate text using DeepL
Auto-detect source language and translate with
Google - Translate text using Google Translate.
Auto-detect source language and translate with - Translate text using
Auto-detect source language and translate with

Translate & Copy:

Bing - Translate text using Bing Translate & copy to clipboard.
Select the target language within ClipClip
Google - Translate text using Google Translate & copy to the clipboard.
Select the target language within ClipClip

Read aloud - Speak the selected text using the system default voice.

Analyze selection:

Character count: {x} - Count the number of characters in your selection.
Word count: {x} - Count the number of words in your selection.
Calculate math expression: {x} - Calculate the result of a selected valid math expression.

Shorten URL with: - Create a short URL with ClipClip. - Create a short URL with URL shortener.
Rebrandly - Create a short URL with Rebrandly

Open in browser:

List installed browsers f.i. Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Share to:

Pocket - Save URL to your Pocket reading list.

WHOIS search: {Provider} - Look up the WHOIS information with {Provider}


Register domain with {Provider} - Check domain name availability with {Provider}


Text containing one or more email addresses or "mailto:"

Extract email addresses - Copy email addresses to the clipboard delimited by commas.
Send email - Compose an email to all addresses extracted from the selection.

Text containing name, email address, street address, job title, phone number, etc.

Add to contacts - Add relevant information to the preferred contact management app.
Google contacts - Create a new Google Contact with the selected info.
SafeShare - Add to contacts and optionally select a circle.

RTF or HTML clips

Simplify formatting - Remove all styles except those supported by Markdown.
Remove formatting - Convert to plain text by removing all styles.
Extract source code - Convert to plain text including any invisible elements in the source code.

Image data or file clips

Color adjust:

Convert to grayscale - Converts the entire image to black & white
Darken image - Make the image 20% darker
Lighten image - Make the image 20% lighter

Flip image


Share image to:

Screen.Link - Upload to Screen.Link and copy short URL
Screencast - Upload the and copy short URL
Imgur - Upload to Imgur and copy URL

Rotate image:

Rotate 90 degrees to the right
Rotate 180 degrees (upside down)
Rotate 90 degrees to the left
Rotate [x] degrees to the left

Resize image:

Resize image to 75% / 50% / 25% / 10% / x% - Resize the image while keeping its aspect ratio to {x}% of the original.
Resize horizontally to 1920 / 800 / 400 / 200 / 100 px - Resize the image while keeping its aspect ratio to measure {x} pixels in width.
Resize vertically to 1080 / 800 / 400 / 200 / 100 px - Resize the image while keeping its aspect ratio to measure {x} pixels in height.

Add margins:

Add 10% / 20% margin - Add margin to all sides of the image calculated based on the short edge
Add 10 / 20 / 50 px margin - Add a fixed margin to all sides of the image.

Add watermark (see idea)

Crop image:


Apply blurring effect - Blurs the entire image

Extract text from image (OCR) - Reads any text contained within the image. Please note that this operation requires us to call an API which requires the image to be uploaded to a third-party server. Although data should not be stored, we recommend not uploading any images which contain passwords or other sensitive information.

TinyEye - Perform a reverse image search with TinyEye
Google - Perform a reverse image search using Google’s search by image.
Folder or file clips

Open in File Explorer

Updated on: 01/03/2023

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